Way2Coach is a service to people who are good and aspire to be great; who are sometimes stuck in their lives, careers, businesses, relationships or specific endeavours, and can do well with the dedicated support of a coach.
Find out more here.
Way2Coach helps you find the best coaches to transform your lives. Begin your transformation journey by joining one of our programs.
Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced and certified person, called a coach, supports a learner to establish clear personal/professional goals, develop clear and time-bound plans & strategies and implement them through commitment & accountability. Begin your transformation by joining our programs or know about the process.
We provide coaching support on every aspect of life, be it work, careers, relationships, businesses and even specific goals like writing books. Check our our programs to know more.
Because you are in safe hands.
Our motto at Way2Coach is to help you transform your life. We thrive by helping you thrive. That is why we don’t simply provide a coach directory service. We first speak with you (our chief consultant is himself ICF certified) and understand your needs.
We then connect you with the right coach for your needs. All of our empanelled coaches are certified and carry deep industry/domain expertise.
A coach charges as per his/her value addition to you. The price is agreed between the coach and the coachee and we play no role in this agreement. While there is no standard pricing, one of our mottos is to bring quality coaching services to everyone at affordable prices.
The program duration is agreed upon between the coach and the coachee. It depends on how long both of them feel it will take to achieve the desired goals. While there is no prescription, it takes at least 2-3 months for the desired change to take place and get sustainably ingrained.
A coach believes that you know the best solutions to your problems/desires; that you have the unlimited potential not only to solve your problems and dilemmas but also to transform yourself to your desired state. A coach can help you do this better and faster by asking you the right questions for you to discover the right solutions and insights. A coach helps you think the right things, in the right manner and builds a cadence of accountability to support your development.
A mentor or a guide, on the other hand, is an expert who will offer your direct solutions for you to simply implement.
Sometimes, a coach may also don the hat of a mentor/guide/consultant, when you are really stuck and need directed guidance, after seeking your permission to do so.
Generally speaking, coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, while psychotherapy tends to have more of a past and present focus.
This is where a coach comes to your rescue! Your coach will help you identify the priorities in your life and help you build a plan, then select and implement the right strategies/solutions in a sustainable manner.
Both are equally effective. The effects of any coaching, whether in person or remote, depends first and foremost on the strength of your desire/need/want. Post that, a good coach works with you every step of the way to ensure that you are on the right track. And challenge you constructively whenever might tend to deviate.
You can pay directly to the coach as per your agreement with him/her.
This depends on the terms and conditions you agree upon with the coach.
At Way2Coach, we are currently working on tie-ups for financial assistance with national institutions. Please write to us at hello@way2coach.com for your needs and we shall get in touch.
There is no reason for you not to achieve success. However, if you wish to cover for this eventuality, you can bring it upfront with your coach, and go for this clause, if the coach provides for this option.